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Imagine being responsible for the health and well-being of a community of over 4.5 million people, many of whom are among the most vulnerable and underserved. Now imagine doing that with a half-century-old hospital, a barebones budget, and a team stretched to the limit. This was the reality Steve Purves faced when he became CEO of Valleywise Health in 2013, but it was also the spark that ignited a remarkable transformation journey.

At HealthSpaces 24, Purves shared the incredible story of how he and his team transformed Valleywise Health, a public health system that has been serving the Phoenix community since 1877, long before Arizona became a state. But by the time Purves took the helm, the system was facing a perfect storm of challenges: aging infrastructure, a rapidly growing population, and a financial crisis that threatened its very survival.

Overcoming Challenges with Innovative Problem-Solving

Purves knew that bold action was needed to turn things around, but he also knew that he couldn't do it alone. He needed to tap into the knowledge, creativity, and passion of his team to find innovative solutions to the complex problems they faced.

One of the first challenges was securing funding for a desperately needed new medical center. As a public hospital system, Valleywise Health relied on a modest tax levy and didn't have deep capital reserves. Purves and his team had to get creative in their approach, focusing their messaging on the system's role as a safety net provider and teaching hospital to win community support for a $935 million bond measure.

But even with the bond measure passed, Valleywise Health faced another major hurdle: a fiscal crisis that threatened to derail the entire project. Purves knew he had to act fast to cut costs and boost revenue, but he didn't have the luxury of bringing in an expensive outside consulting firm. Instead, he turned to the talent within his own organization, launching a series of "100-day workouts" that empowered employees at all levels to come up with ideas for improving efficiency, reducing waste, and optimizing services.

Through these innovative problem-solving approaches, Valleywise Health was able to achieve a remarkable financial turnaround, with a cumulative improvement in net income of $187 million over four years. This not only ensured the system's survival but also paved the way for the successful construction of the new medical center.


The new Valleywise Health Medical Center 

Building a State-of-the-Art Facility

With the financial challenges under control, Purves and his team could finally turn their full attention to the new hospital project. They adopted an integrated program management (IPM) approach, bringing together a diverse team of experts to oversee every aspect of the planning, design, and construction process.

The result is a state-of-the-art facility that not only replaces the aging infrastructure of the old hospital but also incorporates the latest advances in medical technology and patient-centered design. Some of the key features include:

  • Spacious, private patient rooms with abundant natural light and views of the surrounding mountains
  • Advanced surgical suites equipped with the latest imaging and robotic technologies
  • A streamlined, efficient layout that enhances workflow and reduces staff fatigue
  • Environmentally sustainable design elements, such as a rooftop solar array and water-efficient landscaping

While the COVID-19 pandemic delayed the opening of the new hospital, Purves and his team were able to adapt and persevere, finally welcoming patients in April of this year.

Lessons Learned and a New Era for Valleywise Health

Looking back on the journey to build the new medical center, Purves emphasized several key lessons learned, including the importance of establishing a readiness for change, understanding the organization's public role, and maintaining a passion for complexity and tolerance for ambiguity.

But perhaps the most important takeaway from Purves' presentation at HealthSpaces is the power of a clear, compelling vision and a dedicated, resilient team to bring that vision to life. As Purves noted in his concluding remarks, "Our new mission is simple: Provide exceptional care, without exception, to every patient, every time. It's concise and simple and resonates with those who devote their lives to serving the sick, the suffering, and the dying. I'm amazed and inspired every single day."

With the opening of the new medical center, Valleywise Health is poised to enter a new era of growth and service to the community. And while the journey may have been long and challenging, the result is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of visionary leadership, strategic thinking, and a tireless commitment to the health and well-being of all.

Steve Manning

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Steve Manning is a journalist based in Idaho. When he's not writing, he can usually be found at the theater or taking his dog on a hike. If he could only go to one restaurant for the rest of his life, it would be Al's Place in San Francisco.

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